The training on Product and Service Design for green Growth (DfGG) is a special training programme. It was organised under the framework of the Green Growth Policy with an aim to provide planners, designers, engineers and trategy makers in Korean enterprises with an opportunity to explore sustainable problem solving approaches. from the program, teh participants will acquire knowledge on designing sustainable product service systems to improve economic, environmental and social aspects of sustainability, relevant to the context of their businesses.
door Paul Eilbracht
De Syntens presentatie gaat in op de praktische toepassing van de Ecolizer als tool voor LCA Life Cycle Analysis. Het nut van Ecodesign en het gebruik van deze en andere gereedschappen zal nader worden belicht.In het kader van Cradle to Cradle is de Ecolizer tool een effectief en efficiënt instrument. Aansluitend is er voor een aantal bedrijven een workshop gegeven met praktische toepassingen van de Ecolizer.
door Paul Eilbracht in Hong Kong
Workshop green design voor de Hong Kong Design Centre.
This workshop dispels myths and misconceptions about Green Design and manufacturing by offering the latest design approaches and solutions in the use of bio-degradable and eco-friendly materials, recycling, as well as issues concerning carbon footprints. Participants learn Green Design best practises to ensure that the quest for commercial distinction can also become much more environmentally conscious.
Three different workshops were conducted: Cradle to Cradle Design, Green Materials and LCA principles.
door Paul Eilbracht in Antwerpen
Workshop cradle to cradle materialen voor de Hogeschool Antwerpen.

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