industrial designer
line decor
line decor


Design with biobased materials

Design with bio-based materials: new materials, new production methods, new design. University Delft.

Ecodesign for Dummies

A Ecolizer workshop by Paul Eilbracht.

Cradle to cradle materials

Cradle to cradle workshop for product design by Paul Eilbracht in Antwerp.

Renewable resources for new design

Paul Eilbracht: Renewable Resources - practical examples for a new design. Holzturm FH Salzburg Fachhochschulstandort Holztechnikum Kuchl.

Ecodesign a designers challenge

The consumer has endless possibilities to fulfill his needs and whishes. Many products however have an enormous impact on the environment and our natural surroundings. This concealed ugliness is often concealed by a nice design-look. Here lays a new designers challenge: ad a whole new meaning to design, make a positive contribution to ecological and social sustainability. Design4U shows that Ecodesign doesn't have to be colorless and dull. A keen selection of materials with a whole new and natural appearance forms the base of "beautiful" products: for human being, corporation and planet.




Design4U controlroom solutions


Treeplast products from 100% bio-based material


Tree-pod biobased tablet-/ laptopstandard

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